We’re pumped to say that, in the past 3 years, we’ve worked with 3 amazing companies that were RSA Sandbox finalists.

“Once is lucky, twice is a trend, but three is a pattern and means something! Great work, William and the Sodium Halogen team! (Of course, to your clients too for rocking great products!)” – J.J. Guy

2024 | Aembit — RunnerUp

David Goldschlag | CEO & Co-founder at Aembit

August 2022 — Aembit approaches us to design their Identity Platform that lets DevOps and Security manage, enforce, and audit access between federated workloads. While they already have a developer-designed demo, they tasked us to reimagine workload management.

October 2022 — Through user testing, we validate a policy builder approach.

February 2023 — Aembit launches the v1.0.

March 2023 — Aembit leaves stealth mode and secures a 16.6M Seed Investment. They sign an ongoing agreement with us to continually discover, design, and test new features as their UX/UI partner.

May 2024 — Aembit wins first runner-up in the RSA Sandbox competition.

2023 | Hidden Layer — Winner

Hidden Layer's killer team

May 2023 — HiddenLayer wins the Most Innovative Startup award at RSA 2023 and needs to quickly create the 1.0 version of their product.

July 2023 — Hidden Layer and Sodium Halogen kick off the project with a Design Sprint. In 4 days, we understand the AI+security space, define the customer problem, ideate, and sketch solutions, build a high-fidelity prototype, and test it with 5 target users.

August 2023 — We use our kickstart from the Design Sprint to run hard. We rapidly iterate to discover a somewhat uncharted AI security product space. Through multiple design arcs and more than a dozen user testing sessions, we shape the product through its formative stages.

February 2024 — Hidden Layer launches the 1.0 version and we hand off the project to their new internal UX/UI team.

2022 | Sevco Security — Finalist

J.J. Guy | Co-Founder & CEO at Sevco Security

August 2020 — Sevco comes to us with an idea for a platform to solve an ongoing pain point in cybersecurity — proper cloud-based asset management that delivers real-time asset intelligence.

November 2020 — The MVP is available internally in just three months of collaborating – which aids the sales team in securing early contracts.

January 2021 — The first contract is signed and Sevco soft launches v1.0.

June 2021 — After five more months of testing and iterating, we hand off the project to their new internal UX/UI team.

May 2022 — Sevco places as a finalist in the RSA Sandbox competition.

Who's next?

Interested in being in the RSA Sandbox competition next year?

We're hoping to make it four in a row. 😉

Your bottom-line called and wants to know how
our Designtific Method can help.

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